PhotographingTileStyleteam members

東京都調布市に店舗を構え、個人から商業施設まで数多くのタイル施工、タイル調達・販売・提案を行う「Tile Style 深大寺」。plustile(プラスタイル)で彩りのある暮らしを…をコンセプトに活躍されている、業界でも一目置かれる存在である「Tile Style 深大寺」より依頼を受け、チームメンバーの撮影を実施した事例。



We bring out their individuality

As a matter of course, each craftsman has his or her own personality, story, and passion. We wanted to capture this passion, which we felt more strongly the more we talked with them, as it is in the photographs. The skill and fingers of these craftsmen are cool and beautiful, as they lifted countless tiles, faced their work through trial and error, and worked tirelessly even under the scorching sun. The major challenge of this project was to capture the beauty that we feel from these craftsmen.



We value the invisible atmosphere

We cannot see them with our eyes, but we can feel their atmosphere when we are there. We take photographs in order to express this atmosphere through our work. We can use techniques such as graphic design and lighting, but we never rely on them. What we can do with computers is only the final spice. We believe that the shortest way to a highly finished product is to shoot in such a way that the energy and atmosphere of the subject can be conveyed through photography alone.

Tile Style 深大寺/staff
Client's comment
「Tile Style深大寺」オーナー


Although I knew the importance of having my corporate website, I was never able to create a website on my own. U-MA has carefully listened to my ideas and thoughts and composed the website using words and videos that tell our philosophy as a tile store. I would like to add volume little by little through future consultations. After having to work with U-MA, I believe we should all ask experienced professionals who understand the user's point of view. We look forward to working with you again in the future. (Kyoko Ueno, TileStyle Jindaiji)

いつもお世話になっております。とても嬉しいメッセージありがとうございました。折に触れてさまざまなご相談をいただいたり、こちらからご相談させていただいたりしている「Tile Style 深大寺」様。今回の撮影もとにかく終始楽しく、またスタッフの皆様ともより深く関わり、知ることができた非常に価値あるプロジェクトとなりました。お声掛けいただき、誠にありがとうございました!今後も「Tile Style 深大寺」のご活躍を近くで拝見し、発展していく様にU-MAも刺激を受けていきたいと思っております。今後も末永いお付き合いをさせていただけたらと思っております。どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます!(U-MA/ウーマ)

Thank you very much for your kind message. Your detailed explanation of the unique worldview and goals of TileStyle Jindaiji, helped us to create the site in line with your vision. We will continue to work with you in the future for the addition and maintenance of content articles and hope to work together in the future. (U-MA)