1994年結成のお笑いコンビ(お笑い芸人・タレント)「ダンサブル」の依頼を受け、MV(ミュージックビデオ)制作を手掛けた。プロジェクトはネタ見せから開始。ダンサブル朝倉 淳二・有田 久徳の空気感、仲の良さや深い絆もヒントに全体的な世界観を絞り込んでいる。MVのプロモーションとして、大判ポスターを制作。ダンサブル自ら都内各地で掲示依頼活動を行った。併せてオリジナルコースターも制作。
Music Video and Printed Material Production
A Tokyo-based comedian duo unit Danceable (active since 1994) has commissioned U-MA to create an original music video. The project began from getting to know their material, the character of the two members, Junji Asakura, and Hisanori Arita. Their bond as a unit and deep friendship had gave us great inspiration to make this video that show the vivid characteristics and uniqueness of their style. As a promotion for the completed music video, we also made a large size poster, which the Danceable went on with their feet to place them in several locations through the metro area. We also made an original coaster.
動画制作 - Video Production
This project began from getting to know their materials and having their office president in the discussion to build the form of the music video. With their gag material that uses sounds, we targeted children and the young generations and made the directions from there. U-MA also handled the music production, multi audio and video editing. Our small home studio's green screen came in great handy. With our limited equipment, we successfully captured their movement in one continuous video.
ポスター制作 / Poster Design
The poster to promote the music video includes the most basic information needed, a QR code and video credits. The vibrant and dynamic movement of the two shines in the white background and drags people's attention. We designed the poster to be appealing in any place, such as retail stores with vivid displays and places with high ceilings.
オリジナルコースター制作 / Original Coaster
The original coaster is an additional product we made due to the music video production. We used a special thick paper so the water doesn't run on the print, and the design is based on a simple concept. We placed a QR code that you can access to stream the music video. This was a successful product that people would use in restaurants and cafes, which was also free to bring home.
Client's comment
朝倉 淳二様より - Comment from Mr.Junji Asakura [Danceable]
僕達ダンサブルのネタのひとつだったリズムネタ。これがなにか形にならないか?と悩んでいた時に、ウーマの皆様に出会いました。社長の藤井さん、スタッフの皆さんが、とにかく気さくで温かく、仕事なのに、打ち合わせから本気で遊びを考える感覚でした。ノリが形になっていくって、こんなに楽しいんだと思いました。僕達では発想し得なかった映像演出やレコーディングも、動き・歌い方なども細かくディレクションしていただき、想像以上の上質なお笑いMVになった事の喜び、今でも忘れません。ポスターやコースターも、自分らが芸人ではなく「売れっ子ミュージシャンではないかと?」錯覚してしまうほどのクオリティでとても驚きました。どんな人にも親身になって一緒に考え、物作りをしてくださるウーマの皆様。最高です。(オッケッケーの毛です!!)(ダンサブル/朝倉淳二 ※画像右)Rhythm was part of Danceable's popular gag material. We were wondering how we could produce something new. That is when we met U-MA. Mr.Fujii and the other staffs were so warm and welcoming, and from the meeting we were seriously creating a playful project, which was very exciting. I remember the moment when their detailed directions from the way we move to how we sing, came to life as a music video. I feel truly grateful for their work. From the posters and coasters..., the high quality product they produced, was almost like as if we were some famous musician. U-MA's creativity and their kindness to listen to what we want, it's the best! - Junji Asakura (Right on photo)
有田 久徳様より - Comment from Mr.Hisanori Arita [Danceable]
『大人が本気でふざけるって、こんなに面白い!』社長の藤井さんを中心にウーマスタッフの皆様が、楽しみながら仕事する事に本気でした!僕達みたいな無名お笑いコンビ「ダンサブル」のMVを作るのに、何度も打ち合わせを繰り返し、冗談みたいなアイディアを出し合い、時にはベロベロになるまでお酒を飲んで(笑)。みんなで笑い合って、その冗談を本気で作品にする。大人が本気でふざけてる最高なMVを作ってもらいました!!(ダンサブル/有田久徳 ※画像左)Grown-ups can play and have so much fun in their work, too! It was such a treasure to see Mr.Fujii and the U-MA staffs sharing such fun with their work. Even if we're not a famous unit, they had put so much effort and passion to the production. We discussed so many ideas (and drank so much beer haha) in order to create what we have here today. This is the best music video!! from Hisanori Arita [Danceable](Left on photo)
MV制作という大きなプロジェクトでしたが、メンバー全員がアイデアを出し合い、終始楽しいままに完遂できたことは素晴らしい経験になったと、スタッフ一同感じております。ありがとうございました。企業CMやサービス紹介動画とは異なり、1本の動画の中にさまざまな仕掛けを施し、創意工夫を凝らして画面いっぱいに大きな動きを散りばめる、という動画制作は、また別の楽しさがありました。ポスターやオリジナルコースターの制作も、大変喜んでいただけて光栄です。ぜひまたワクワクする企画を爆笑の中、共に成功させたいと思っております。引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。(U-MA/ウーマ)Music video production was a big project, and staffs of U-MA feels grateful to be able to complete this work with ideas from everyone in the team and joy throughout the project. Placing several dynamic movements into a single video was a different approach from commercial media and promotional video, which was an interesting process. We are happy to see people enjoying the posters and coasters as well. We hope to work with you again soon, with lots of laughs and innovative ideas. (from U-MA)