Creative Direction
U-MA is currently handling the creative direction for the local soccer club, FC Chiyoda (Football Community CHIYODA) based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. They are willing to expand as a community-based soccer club. By hearing from coaches and team directors, we are providing creative approach to meet their goals and further more.
東京都・千代田区で幅広い年齢層の選手を指導する「FC千代田(Football Community CHIYODA)」から依頼を受け、クリエイティブ領域全般のコンサルティング&制作業務を手掛けている。代表やチームの指導にあたるコーチ陣よりヒアリング。『地域に根付くサッカークラブを作る』のキーワードを大切にしながら、チームの空気感をそのままクリエイティブに、そして選手獲得にも貢献する成果物を目指している。
Promoting Booklet Production
U-MA produced an official hand-size booklet that introduces FC Chiyoda. "We want the players to experience something more than just a soccer game...," to show their vision and introduce their annual activities to the readers, we devised to make this booklet to hold a direct and instinctive message to the readers.
Since the booklet was aimed to be displayed in stores and restaurants around Chiyoda-ku, we made the booklet in the size of a postcard, which is very irregular compare to the usual booklets out there. As a result, the booklet flew off the shelves with its attracting slogan and the size that's easy to bring back home. This booklet not only raised the recognition of the team, but also brought in new team members. U-MA is also working on making an activity report which will be handed out to the sponsors and supporters of the team.
Still Photography Shooting
We hosted a still photo shooting session in our creative studio. The photos are used for their website and other upcoming materials.
FC Chiyoda has its best coaches from the coaching experts to the young generations with various backgrounds. During the photo shooting and creative process, we tried to enhance their diverse character and unity by having everyone wearing the team uniforms. We were able to capture their warm expression by listening to their passion to soccer. This communicating process made us also learn more about creative consulting.
Client's comment
塩澤 和也様より
Comment from Kazuya Shiozawa (Leader of FC Chiyoda)
We thank U-MA for the photo shooting of the staff members and for creating a wonderful booklet. During the photo shooting session, U-MA's staffs made it comfortable for us, so we were able to show our true selves over the lens. And, the booklet was filled with ideas to make people take these in their hands, with the well thought design. This production not only was successful in gaining recognition of the team, but also raised worthiness as a soccer team in a local community. We hope to work together more to make this team a special one.(Kazuya Shiozawa/Leader of FC Chiyoda)
We vividly remember our first discussion meeting, it was one of the most crowded, energetic one with lots of laughs. FC Chiyoda's strive is not only about becoming a strong team. They bring out the potential of each players, and emphasize on every experience, their broad perspective in order to raise young athletes had truely inspired our work. As we understand that each and every coach brings in their best efforts to work with each players, we wanted to present their excellence with our creative approach. We thank FC Chiyoda for giving us inspiration with their passion. We will keep on providing creative production that makes us grow further. Thank you, as always!(from U-MA)