- トップ(代表)インタビュー
- 社員インタビュー
- お施主様インタビュー
- スタッフ座談会
- サービス利用者インタビュー
Examples of Interviews
- President Interview
- Employees Interviews
- Almsgiver Interviews
- Round-table Discussion
- Service User Interviews
There are various types of interview articles, and when properly utilized, they can vividly convey the interviewee’s professional perspective, unique thoughts, and feelings to the reader. Uma specializes in content production, including the production of interview articles, and has a wealth of experience in this area. Of course, we also have a wealth of experience in filming and editing, and we use the latest equipment and knowledge to add a sense of realism to articles with still or moving images. By using the interview method to convey real voices and real experiences that are usually difficult to hear, we are able to attract the reader’s interest and increase their sense of conviction and trust.
Interview with the client
Employee Interviews/Roundtable Discussions
Clarify the purpose of the interview in advance and create an interview sheet (hearing sheet) based on it. Depending on the situation, questions can be shared in advance, and multiple sample answers can be provided to ease the interviewee's tension and to achieve a higher quality interview. However, questions are not limited to the content of the interview sheet, and flexible dialogue is used to create an interview article that is both readable and realistic.
Interview preparation is conducted the day before the interview. Prepare for the day of the interview by preparing a hearing sheet (interview sheet), identifying and coordinating questions, researching the industry/area, and preparing filming equipment.
Focus on eliciting more in-depth and specific details from the other party's opinions. Proceed with the goal of creating articles while also capturing nonverbal signs and the atmosphere of the situation.
Words are extracted from the information obtained from the interviews, and the content is concise and attracts the reader's interest while retaining impressive expressions. We also took photographs and used still and moving images to convey the atmosphere.
Are there any differences in perception? Are there any subtle differences in nuance? Conduct careful proofreading. Proceed repeatedly in pursuit of better wording. Finally, confirm with the client that there are no discrepancies in interpretation.
Once it is confirmed that there are no problems with the content, the site is carefully published. After publication, we not only check the content again, but also carefully perform the necessary tasks, such as establishing reciprocal links with related articles.
Interview articles produced for web pages can also be edited for print media and SNS. Of course, we can also handle a wide range of other uses, such as diverting articles produced for print media for use on the Web or SNS.
Our work is not limited to any medium.
The most appropriate media will vary depending on the objectives, goals, and tasks you wish to accomplish, as well as on various conditions such as budget and corporate culture. Uma can handle production work for a variety of media, including websites and paper media (flyers, POP, pamphlets/booklets, calendars, postcards, business cards, etc.), as well as for SNS and photography (still and still). Our strength lies in our ability to make the best proposals from our broad box of experience and knowledge.
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Client's comment
近藤 紀子様より
Comment from Kazuya Shiozawa (Leader of FC Chiyoda)
We thank U-MA for the photo shooting of the staff members and for creating a wonderful booklet. During the photo shooting session, U-MA's staffs made it comfortable for us, so we were able to show our true selves over the lens. And, the booklet was filled with ideas to make people take these in their hands, with the well thought design. This production not only was successful in gaining recognition of the team, but also raised worthiness as a soccer team in a local community. We hope to work together more to make this team a special one.(Kazuya Shiozawa/Leader of FC Chiyoda)
We vividly remember our first discussion meeting, it was one of the most crowded, energetic one with lots of laughs. FC Chiyoda's strive is not only about becoming a strong team. They bring out the potential of each players, and emphasize on every experience, their broad perspective in order to raise young athletes had truely inspired our work. As we understand that each and every coach brings in their best efforts to work with each players, we wanted to present their excellence with our creative approach. We thank FC Chiyoda for giving us inspiration with their passion. We will keep on providing creative production that makes us grow further. Thank you, as always!(from U-MA)