Corporate website production results
Corporate Website Creation
What the client hoped for in the new website was a corporate site form that would properly convey the true appeal of their company and also contribute to their recruitment activities. Not simply a website following trends, but a truly custom, tailor-made site creation project from which CHT’s unique character would ooze out from every corner.
CHT, with a long history backed by trust and a solid customer base, primarily targeted job seekers with their new website. Going against the conventional wisdom that “text is skimmed over” and “too much text won’t get read” on many corporate websites, they took the opposite approach. With the aim of having both the corporate site and dedicated recruitment site function as a single media platform, they included a wealth of information upfront. The idea was for job seekers to read through this information first, and if it piqued their interest, then inquire further. Reducing hiring mismatches was also an important consideration in the website creation.
(動画・スチール) コーポレートサイトとしての透明性を高め、自社の魅力や特徴をしっかりと表現するためのコンテンツ。そのひとつとして、代表や社員の方、社内風景を撮影。決して珍しくない手法であるが、企業イメージや信頼感の醸成に確実に繋がっていく。本プロジェクトでは、社内での撮影だけでなく本社ビル周辺でも撮影を実施。撮影・現像・動画編集も社内完結できる点はウーマの強みのひとつと言える。
(Video/Still Photos) Content to enhance transparency as a corporate website and clearly express the company's appeal and features. As one aspect, we shot videos of the representative, employees, and internal scenery. While not an unusual method, it certainly leads to cultivating the company's image and trustworthiness. In this project, in addition to shooting inside the company, we also carried out shooting around the headquarters building. Being able to complete the shooting, developing, and video editing in-house is one of U-MA's strengths.
CHT photo by U-MA
Particularly for the dedicated recruitment website, the purpose of the shooting was to convey the real atmosphere of the workplace to job seekers. In order to capture the daily scenery and natural expressions of the employees on camera, we prepared by cooperating with the person in charge at CHT, such as creating shooting schedules and distributing precautions for the shooting in advance, before proceeding with the filming.
Stemming from the connections made during the corporate website renewal project, we have also been asked to handle shooting and creative work for events. For the recruitment fair held in April 2024, we produced the booth decorations, flyers, novelties, and more. Despite the tight schedule, with the cooperation of the person in charge at CHT, the eye-catching booth and novelties at the venue helped increase visitor numbers, leading to a hugely successful event.
Client's comment
今回の制作プロジェクトを振り返ると、せっかくリニューアルするなら“私の想い”が節々に表現されたサイトにしたかったという強い願いもあり、それはウーマさんにとってもチャレンジングなものであったのではないか?と勝手に思っております。私から「刺さるフレーズ」とか、「言葉が薄まる」とか、訳のわからない事をたくさんお伝えしたように思いますが、ウーマさんはそれを最終的にきちんと形にしてくれました。私の想いを十分に理解してくれていたからこそ、私が期待していたゴールに辿り着いたのだと大変満足しておりますし、目標としていた「言葉とビジュアルを使って“解る人にだけ刺さる”サイト」に着地できたのではないかと自負しています。これからもウーマさんには、“誰かの気持ちを動かす何か”を模索して、クリエイティブして欲しいなぁ、と願っております。これからもお付き合いのほど、よろしくお願いいたします。(コンピュータ・ハイテック株式会社 DX事業部/大井忠和)