Promotional Video Production
[maison] is a Tokyo based hair salon with top level hair stylists. U-MA has been commissioned to create a promotional video to tell the story of their outstanding team and philosophy. We worked on the direction, filming, editing, and also multi audio and soundtrack.
With several meetings with the owner of [maison], we observed the atmosphere of the salon and each staff's passion to the work. They revealed the making of the salon which lead us to a more deeper understanding of their direction.
The scenario of the video was made by the owner of [maison] himself. Our mission was to create a movie that presents the vibe of the salon, without being a video that only showcases their hair stylists' skills and branch locations. The filming was held at the actual salon and other recording studios involving music recording for the soundtrack as well.
Client's comment
SEKINE様よりMessage From SEKINE; owner of [maison]
世田谷に美容室をオープンすることになり、「駅からの道順を在り来たりなタイムラプスではなくPVのように作りたい、できればジョンレノンに乗せてwww」という無茶なお願いをしました。出来ること出来ないこと、実現するためにはどうしたらいいかを明確に示していただきました。非常に熱量を持って制作に挑んでいただき、助かりました。映像での新規の集客はもちろん、「あの店、他と違うぞ」と思わせる世界観は、人材確保にも役立ちました。いい関係性を長く築いて行きたいデザイナーです。(株式会社CAKA メゾン代表/SEKINE)
We wanted to create a promotional video to also celebrate our new opening branch in Setagaya. I was imagining something like a music video, preferably with the music by favorite, John Lennon. U-MA was very patient with our request, explaining to us throughly what's possible (and what is not, like the John Lennon part), and the overall production process. That was very helpful. The complete video was successful not only to gain new customers, but we were also able to recruit new workers who found interest in our work style.U-MA's designers are the ones I would love to work together again and again.(SEKINE/President of [maison], from CAKA Ltd.)
完成した動画は、実際にヘアサロン「maison(メゾン)」を訪れたときの印象とは、また別の印象を抱かせるものです。底抜けに明るい動画でも、技術力を前面に押し出した動画でもありません。しかしそれが、「maison」を創る人々が強く持っているお店の“在り方”なのではないでしょうか。施術を受けることで、ほんの少しでもいいから前向きな気持ちになって欲しい…そんな想いを抱きながら日々のサロンワークに臨まれている「maison(メゾン)」という組織の強靭さも再確認できました。ぜひ第2弾の動画も一緒に創り上げましょう!引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。(from ウーマ)
The completed website we made presents the strong bond of the crew and the warmth of the salon. Although we could only show the bits of its organic and humanly atmosphere, we hope this work showcases their passion to provide the best service to the new and continuing customers. We are pleased to work together in this project, and looking forward to working with you soon! (from U-MA)