Website design
オーガニック素材と厳選のハーバル・ダイを使用し、優雅で洗練された衣服を提案する「FILMUS13(フィルムス トレーズ)」のWEBサイト制作事例。無垢で飾り気のない潔さ、やわらかな女性らしさ、その奥底に確かな力強さを感じるFILMUS13の世界観を可視化。「地球にも肌にも優しく、世代を超えて着続けられる服」というブランドの願いがそのまま感じ取れるサイトに。素材へのこだわりと、化学染料が環境や人体に与える影響の追求するFILMUS13の揺るぎない信念を表現している。
Website design for FILMUS13, which uses organic materials and carefully selected herbal dyes to offer elegant and sophisticated clothing. The website visualises the view of the world of FILMUS13, which is innocent and unpretentious, soft and feminine, but with a certain strength at its heart. The site was designed to convey the brand's desire for clothes that are gentle to the earth and to the skin, and that can be worn from generation to generation. The site expresses FILMUS13's commitment to materials and its unwavering belief in pursuing the impact of chemical dyes on the environment and the human body.
About cinematography
A way of using wind and light to give natural movement to a photograph. Lighting was used to represent the passage of time in a day. This video was used at the event venue.
Printed matter
The photographs taken were also used for the DM announcing the FILMUS13 buyers' exhibition. The DM has a gentle and natural look, valuing the FILMUS13 character that focuses on materials and dyes of natural origin.
Photography Shooting
今回、イメージ写真を撮影したのはファッション・ポートレートをはじめ幅広い領域で活躍するフォトグラファー安藤信之氏(eyes creative & models/アイズ・クリエイティブ&モデルス)。過去、いくつものプロジェクトを共にしてきた安藤氏と、「FILMUS13」が提案する服を表情豊かに撮影するアイデアを持ち寄り、イメージを創り上げていく作業。朝・昼・夕・晩。それぞれのシーンで繊細に変わる服の表情を表現した写真は、実際に服を手に取ったり、着用したりしたときを想像させる作品に仕上がっている。
This time, the photographs were taken by a photographer Nobuyuki Ando (eyes creative & models), who is active in a wide range of fields including fashion and portraiture. Mr Ando, with whom we have worked on a number of projects in the past, and I brought together ideas for expressive photography of the clothes proposed by FILMUS13, and we created the images. The photographs depicting the delicately changing expressions of the clothes in each scene - morning, noon, evening and night - are finished in a way that makes you imagine what it would be like to actually hold or wear the clothes.