



Scenario and Characters

The mission is to catch the attention as many people as possible and raising awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation. In order to remove the filters of gender and age, the story revolves around a main character who is an anthropomorphic "dog". The main character, Jack, encounters a major earthquake while out for a walk and is struck by the disaster. The 30-second short film (video) depicts how Jack, who was ignorant and wimpy, overcomes difficulties with his friends, gains correct knowledge, and grows stronger.

Hand Drawn Illustrations

The illustrations were created with an emotional touch to match the unfolding storyline. The illustrations depict the emotions of the main character, Jack, as he learns from the rescue dog and grows up with the correct knowledge. The narrator (Tomohiro Nagino) plays five different roles (Jack, the rescue dog Dunan, guide dog Tammy, the neighbor's Shiba dog, and Papa).

Special web site




In order to enhance the quality and image of the site, we carefully examined the information to be included in the site. The contents were designed to be as simple and eye-catching as possible, with the intention of reaching users of all ages, given the sensitive nature of a major earthquake and the importance of knowledge in preparation for unprecedented threats. We also built the server for this project.

日本赤十字社 東京都支部「10の選択」

Contents Pages


甚大な被害をもたらすであろう大震災への備え…その重要性を、関わる全スタッフが自分事として認識し、そして広く伝えることをコンセプトに、極力難解な表現をそぎ落としたビジュアル&テキストに仕上げ、またサイト内の導線もあえてシンプルにした。上辺だけではなく、きちんと全てを正しく伝え、危機感を持って備えてもらうこと。そのゴールに向かって、日本赤十字社 東京都支部の皆様と一緒に突き進み達成したプロジェクトは、期間限定のアンケート含め、非常に多くの反響をいただいた。

All the U-MA staff strived to create content that would make people aware of the importance of preparing for an earthquake that would cause enormous damage. The site's purpose was not only to convey the top line but also to properly communicate all aspects of the situation so that people can prepare for a crisis with a sense of urgency. The project, which was completed in cooperation with the Tokyo Branch of the Japanese Red Cross Society, received a great deal of positive feedback, including a limited-time survey.